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Step 2: Do Offer(s)

As soon as you login, you will see the offers tab on the top. Click on it and you will be sent to the offers page. There you can scroll through the offers avaliable. YOU MUST COMPLETE ONE FULL CREDIT WORTH OF OFFERS TO RECEIVE YOUR PRODUCT.

In order to receive the product you want, you must complete offer(s) together worth 1 credit. The easiest way to do that would be doing one of the full credit offers. However if for some reason you can not do the 1/1 credit offers, you can always do 2 of 1/2 credit offers, 4 of 1/4 credit offers, or whatever amount of offers that will add up to 1 whole credit (remember fractions).

Once you have completed an offer, just wait for it to go through. Wait a few days for it to go through. If it didn't go through, you can send a credit request, try again, or do another offer.

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